Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tour to RAnGAmati

Last Year i went Rangamati.It is a cool tourist spot.It is full with natural beauties.I have climb the mountain first time...And Roam at the jungle.it was a cool feelings.You guys need to visit this place.It is full of natural beauty.Every year lot of tourist went there to visit this place.people of this place r so friendly.

Monday, January 16, 2012

wish to meet jackie chan

First let me apologize for all grammatical and spelling mistake.If you have no problem with my problem then keep reading.And accept my thanks.
I am a student and jackie chan fan actually not fan . I am AC better version of fan.So I am learning acting at a school of acting.A lot of people wanted to know why I want to be a actor.
Simple answer I WANT TO MEET WITH JACKIE CHAN.Though I am a simple guy and have nothing.I mean just want to make him remember a guy who struggle to become an actor just for meet with him.